
Osclass Ultimate payments allows you to work with Bank transfer, Paypal, Stripe, Braintree, 2Checkout, Payumoney, Skrill, PayUMoney, Instamojo, CCAvenue, Paystack, and more!

If you need Paypal only, look: Paypal


Premium is feature for Osclass when the listing shown on top of free ads. The plugin allows to automate this process. Any user can pay  - Premium. Administrator can easily configure the price and the number of days which the listing will be displayed as Premium.  You can set a default price for all categories and also set different one for each category.

Move to Top

User can pay Move to Top. This function move listing once to Top of the category and the main page too. These listing rise above free listings, but below the Premium (if there are some) and will be decreased by newly listed ads by other users. You can set a default price for all categories and also set different one for each category.


This option allows to attract the visitors' attention to listing, using background color different from other listings. Administrator can easily configure the number of days which the listing will be displayed as Highlighted. You can set a default price for all categories and also set different one for each category.

Premium and Highlight with discount

You can set a discount for a Premium with Highlight. If the user buy two services at once(Premium with Highlight),the price will be cheaper. And maybe this will allow you to increase sales.

Pay Publish

If enable this option - the user must Pay Publish listings. User can ad a new listing, click the publish button, but it will be visible on the website after the payment is released. You can set a default price for all categories and also set different one for each category. If enabled Premium - user can pay Publish with Premium. If enabled Highlight - user can pay  Publish with Highlight. If enable Premium and Highlight -  user can pay Publish with Premium andHighlight with discount.

Publish Policy

You can enable Pay Publish and setup Publish Policy for each category:

  1. All published items must be paid in category
  2. All items can be published for free in category
  3. The user can publish the set by you number of ads for free, and after he must pay for the publication of the new item in this category.


The user can transfer a sum of money in his wallet on the site. And then pay for premium services ( Premium, Move to Top and Highlight) with Wallet.

After publish

If this feature is enabled. User after the published ad redirect to page immediately offered to pay Premium and Highlighting.This allows you to get more payments. Bottom of the After publish page there is a button - no thanks. The user can press it and nothing pay at once - publish a classified. And pay premium option later from the personal account.

Add bonus

Admin can add bonus credits in the user Wallet. This allow user to try premium functions. Or the administrator can give a bonus to the user which just constantly use the premium features of the site.


The administrator can see all of the payments that have been made on the site. Amounts, User ID, User email, Item ID and which premium feature is paid by user.

E-mail Notification
  1. Notification e-mail to user if admin mark item as Premium, Move to TOP, Highlight
  2. Notification e-mail to user after publish item with a proposal to buy Premium or Highlight
  3. Notification  e-mail about the expiry date of the services to user. The administrator can configure the number of days before the end of the service need send a e-mail to user.

Options on the item page
  • If the user is logged on the site - he can pay from item page: Premium, Move to TOP, Highlight or Premium and Highlight with discount.
  • If admin logged on oc-admin - he can Mark item: Premium, Move to TOP or Highlight as admin without payment.
  • Options in user account
  • User can pay or reneview all services from personal account.
  • The user sees how many days are before the end of the service.
  • User can see log of his payments in personal account.

Full Ready to translate to any other language.
price/$10 off/-40%

If you. I already buy one of our themes or plugins you must send us an email with the payment support to validate the information, we respond immediately, regards