The best classified ads theme in 2022
Responsive One new look for your site, and new option added in this theme.
Settings from admin panel for:
- set logo for header an footer;
- set categories and subcategories image from admin panel;
- set number of premium ads in search page;
- set number of seller latest ads in item page;
- set info text on home page;
- set number of related ads;
- widget social in footer for facebook like box;
- set copyrights text in footer;
- Smart search of region in home page.
- Image on categories and subcategories on home page.
- Count characters on publish page for title and description.
- User ads in item page.
- Print, delete and edit option for add on item page.
- Related ads in item page.
- Number of views.
- Hide phone number and contact form.
- Pop up for select category on publish page.
English support 100%. And for other languages, available in osclass market the theme is translated in proportion of 95%. We have included other words that is not in languages and for that reason the support for other language is only 95%. We offer support for translate the rest of 5% for the language available in market osclass.
Ver. 1.1.3 bring
New color page for easy settings the color on this theme. You have option to set color for multiple elements from pages.
Setting color for background, publish button, search button, add item button from publish page and upload image button, background for price and price color, background color for search bar on main page and search page.
Now you can include the social button which are displayed on main page from admin panel.
Update added with version 1.2.0
New floating header which can be show or hide from admin panel. In floating header we have, user menu, home button and link for search publish and contact page. Back on top button on scroll down.Some minor bugs fixed in item page, and new selection with drop down on location in publish page.
Update added with version 1.3.0
New name new look for theme olxx, and new option added in this version 1.3.0
Now theme is responsive, and with more option , to show latest ads on front page and region in sidebar from home page.
Update added with version 1.3.1
Setting for most searched ads which allow to set after how many searches to appear the searched items.
Changes on search page for city selection, now the city will be save after search.
Update added with version 1.3.2
Preview image on item page for next item button, if the next item have image. Filter next item base on category and region.
Changes on search page for region and city selection.
New look for main page on mobile device, now the categories will be display with different image for mobile device. And separate option in admin panel to set different image for mobile device.
Update added with version 1.3.3
From 1.3.3 we include country filter on search for site with multiple country.
If on the site is active more that one country then the selection of country will appear automatic, and if on the site is only one country the selection of country for search will disappear and then filter will be done only after region and city.
Country selection will be available only if you have multiple country on site, if not then will be displayed old selection for region and city.
Update added with version 1.3.6
New responsive slider on item page, which replace the older slider and the new slider support touch on mobile devices. New option for mobile device with direct call or sms just with one click of a button. Minor changes on most active category.
Update added with version 1.4.0
New pop-up slider for images on item page, which allow user to a better view of image, and you can open the original image in a new window.Sidebar from item page it now after item description, in mobile devices.Now the pages it available in footer on mobile devices.And changes on price field to allow only numbers in the field.
Update added with version 1.4.1
New slider on home page for custom items. You have option to filter custom items based on category, city, region, premium items, random items, and set how many items to be displayed in slider.
Update added with version 1.4.2
New option included in the home page search wich display related listing based on words typed in input field. This results will display ads with content similar of words typed.
Update added with version 1.4.3
Some minor bug fixed on post page and edit page for price field, if the category selection is made by popup.New option added on search page to display only premium ads, in search.And change log added in admin panel for admin, to track easy the changes or new implementation on the theme.
If you. I already buy one of our themes or plugins you must send us an email with the payment support to validate the information, we respond immediately, regards